40 Minute Blissful Calm & Deep Relaxation Meditation


A baseline state can be thought of as something to be measured from/compared to as time goes on and as changes take place; a baseline state to refer back to, to note those changes.

We believe that our baseline states of being are inherently peaceful and tranquil. 

A feeling full of inner knowing, deep clarity and deep connection to all parts of us. 

A state in which our intuition is clear and where our gifts and talents come through effortlessly.

A state in which all of the cells within, are working together in harmony.   

A state in which we become the most potent magnets for all of our deepest desires.  

A state in which we are a clear channel to receive.   

A state in which we feel calm and safe within our bodies.

It is our current belief that many of us are not living here, or perhaps for a variety of reasons, have not been acquainted with the feeling of deep calm that we all have the potential to access from within.  Yes, our states of being will always be in continuous fluctuation, flowing with the polarities of life.   With life comes darkness and discomfort.  But the more that we can become acquainted with the stillness within, the deeper we can integrate this feeling into our everyday lives.  And as a result of this integration, we will always be able to return back to it much quicker.  

That is the driving force behind this channeled meditation.  Our intention is that it serves as a potent tool to re-introduce you to the peace and tranquility within.  And that it inspires each and every one of you to integrate more moments of stillness into your everyday lives, no matter what that may look like to you. 

We are excited for you to journey with us. 

Music: Serenity - Chris Collins (healing series)