Relaxing Affirmations To Help You Slow Down - With Music


Do you ever feel anxious or overwhelmed with the never ending list of things you want to do or need to complete?  We can often get caught in the cycle of ‘go, go, go’ or what some might refer to as, ‘the hustle’.  Perhaps you want to do more, because you believe that you are capable or perhaps it is because people around you are constantly in a state of ‘go, go, go’.  While working hard and staying motivated can be incredibly important, so is rest. 

Our ancestors had significantly less stress and stimulus than we experience today.  Our nervous systems are not made for many of the demands of modern society (external stimulus & stressors that come in many different forms and experiences).  When we are over-worked, sleep-deprived, over stimulated and stressed out, the many interconnected systems within our body begin to come out of alignment and different symptoms or diseases can begin to manifest.

I am absolutely no stranger to this cycle, which is why I am so incredibly excited to offer you these affirmations!  When we actually take the time to slow down, re-align, and listen to the whispers (or sometimes screams) from our bodies, we begin to see the magic unfold!  We feel more peaceful, energetic and productive.  All parts of us (body mind and soul) begin to flow harmoniously together. 

Set aside three in a half minutes of your day, and allow these affirmations to help guide you back into alignment with yourself.  They will help to serve as a reminder to slow down, take on less, say no when needed & will encourage a healthy practice of listening to your body when it says it has had enough.

Music Credits: Melody Loops: One Perfect Moment