Guided Sleep Meditation for Insomnia: Calming Sleep - With Music


The intention of this guided meditation is to help encourage a full body-mind sensation of sleepiness, so that you can work with your body to naturally fall asleep. 

Perhaps you struggle with insomnia.  Or maybe your mind becomes active at night, and worries begin to surface as you lay in bed trying to fall asleep.  Once we lay down for the night, thoughts can sometimes run through our minds, prolonging the process of falling asleep.  It is common for sleep issues to become heightened during periods of increased stress or over-stimulation.  Throughout the day, well before bed time, it can be helpful to address and work through any thoughts, tasks or experiences that are causing you stress.  When you later go to bed for the night, your mind will be less likely to try and navigate any worries before falling asleep.

Right now this time is for you.  All you have to do is relax and just be.  Take a moment to remind your body, mind and soul that you are capable of deep and restorative sleep.  Let these words echo into the depths of your subconscious, reaching every cell within your body.

Music Credits: Concentration by Kevin Macleod